About Me

Hey! I'm Anıl, a fourth-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering undergraduate student from Turkey.

As far as I can remember, I've always enjoyed math and physics. I've chosen this program because I would like to further my studies with a degree course that combines these subjects.

These days I'm mainly interested in Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems.

In the future, I'm looking forward to participating in research studies.

In my free time, you can see me playing a video game or enjoying a movie.

My Resume

Relevant Skills

Services I offer


I can develop and deploy websites, web services for you and your business.


I can design electronic or logic circuits and test them on a virtual environment for you.


I can neatly analyze your data packages which can help you determine future business strategies.


I can professionally design posters, cards, brochures and logos for you and your business.


I can keep your business on track and grow it in no time.

Contact Me
